Blogs & News2021-06-04T11:32:56+00:00

Read the latest news and blog articles from the Good Growth Partnership

Reducing Deforestation from the Soy Supply Chain: the Story of the Good Growth Partnership

Transformation requires different types of interventions across multiple levels, sectors, and issues simultaneously, addressing supply systems, not just supply chains. That's what the Good Growth Partnership (GGP) and our Integrated Approach have been doing. Building a business case for rehabilitation of degraded land in the Cerrado in order to encourage farmers and companies to expand soy cultivation over degraded land instead of clearing native vegetation has been a key achievement of the GGP.

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Reducing Deforestation from the Soy Supply Chain: the Story of the Good Growth Partnership

Transformation requires different types of interventions across multiple levels, sectors, and issues simultaneously, addressing supply systems, not just supply chains. That's what the Good Growth Partnership (GGP) and our Integrated Approach have been doing. Building a business case for rehabilitation of degraded land in the Cerrado in order to encourage farmers and companies to expand soy cultivation over degraded land instead of clearing native vegetation has been a key achievement of the GGP.

Policy Reform for Forest Positive Agriculture in Indonesia: the Impact of the Good Growth Partnership

One of the most essential building blocks of sustainable agricultural commodities production lies in policy reform. If the policy environment for valuing and protecting natural ecosystems is weak – or if it is not well enforced – then producers will find few impediments to expanding their agricultural activities into forests, peatlands, and wetlands. The UNDP through GGP hopes to provide essential support and facilitation in this next phase of transitioning to sustainable palm oil production.Please help us to continue this important work.

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The Future is Deforestation-Free

Pascale Bonzom, Global Project Manager for the Good Growth Partnership spoke at an Affiliated Session at the UNFSS Pre-Summit: “A New Model for Agricultural Production: Deforestation-free and Conversion-free Supply Chains” hosted by the Food and Land Use Coalition, the Tropical Forest Alliance and WWF, bringing to the conversation the Good Growth Partnership’s innovative approach to transforming commodity supply chains through integrated collaborative action.

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Panel Discussion: How to balance social, economic and environmental priorities

The pursuit of social and economic development is a vital priority for governments as they seek to reduce poverty and enhance the quality of life for their citizens. How do we manage situations in the development of the beef, palm oil and soy sectors where these objectives may come into tension with the needs of environmental conservation?

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